Peste 40.000 de oameni la iMapp Bucharest 2016

Cel mai mare concurs internațional de 3D video mapping – iMapp Bucharest, organizat de Primăria Municipiului București, prin creart – Centrul de Creație, Artă și Tradiție, a adunat un public de peste 40.000 de oameni pe 24 septembrie, în Piața Constituției, la cea de-a treia ediție a evenimentului.

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Două trofee, o singură echipă câștigătoare

Tema acestei ediții – „DIALOGURI”, a fost modul artiștilor de a interacționa cu publicul iMapp Bucharest. Festivalul se înscrie pe lista celor mai importante evenimente internaționale dedicate audio vizualului, anul acesta fiind finalist în categoria „Live Event of the Year” la premiile AV Awards din Londra, care urmează a-și desemna câștigătorii pe 30 septembrie.

iMapp Bucharest a debutat cu o serie de concerte, Gojira & Planet H fiind prima trupă care a întreținut atmosfera în seara evenimentului, urmată de proiectul electro-clasic Golan Symphonic, prezentat în premieră la iMapp Bucharest, ce a adus în fața audienței o orchestră formată din 40 de instrumentiști.

Artista irlandeză Róisín Murphy, celebra cântăreață și compozitoare internațională, a susținut un concert electrizant, cu o apariție cameleonică pe scena iMapp Bucharest, schimbând, aproape la fiecare melodie, costume impresionante și accesorii îndrăznețe. La concertul reginii muzicii experimentale au participat atât fani ai artiste, care o îndrăgesc încă din perioada în care făcea parte din trupa Moloko, cât și oameni care au ascultat-o în premieră în România.

iMapp Bucharest a utilizat 104 proiectoare pentru a expune lucrările celor mai creativi artiști video internaționali pe cei aproximativ 22.000 de metri pătrați ai suprafeței de proiecție. Echipele finaliste din Spania – Romera Diseño e Infografia, România – Mindscape Studio, Ungaria – Limelight, Rusia – Illuminarium3000, Muntenegru – Filip Roca și Turcia – VOID au susținut spectacole multimedia a câte 4 minute și 30 de secunde, pe suprafața impresionantă a fațadei Palatului Parlamentului, rezultând cea mai mare imagine 3D proiectată pe o clădire.

Câștigătorul ediției iMapp Bucharest 2016 a fost desemnat de un juriu de prestigiu, format din personalități marcante ale industriei audio vizuale internaționale: Martin Pošta, Ana Ascencio, Kaat Heirbrant, Ilkka Paloniemi și Birgit Zander. Anul acesta, în premieră în istoria festivalului, Premiul Juriului și Premiul Publicului (acordat de cei prezenți prin vot la 1843), au fost câștigate de aceeași echipă, respectiv Limelight din Ungaria, care a prezentat lucrarea ”Interconnection”. Ovidiu Marius Ştefancu, unul dintre participanții care și-au votat echipa favorită, a câștigat o excursie (în valoare de 1.000 euro oferită de Holiday Club) la Berlin, locul din care provine câștigătorul ediției iMapp Bucharest 2015 – URBANSCREEN din Germania.

Echipa câștigătoare, originară din Ungaria, are o experiență de peste 15 ani în domeniul 3D video-mapping și a reușit să impresioneze juriul și publicul cu o lucrare artistică în care animațiile și arta de a povesti 3D i-a diferențiat considerabil față de ceilalți finaliști din competiție. Astfel, Limelight a reușit să adune 1980 de voturi dintr-un total de 4512 voturi. Conform juriului, punctele forte ale lucrării „Interconnection” au fost sunetul bine sincronizat cu tehnica animațiilor, interpretarea temei într-un mod original, precum și o bună dinamică pe parcursul întregului spectacol.


Filip Roca – Montenegro

Art director, motion and new media artist, currently based in Barcelona, originally from Montenegro. Best award in professional category on International Mapping Festival in Girona, Spain, 2015.

Romera Diseño e Infografia SL – Spain

Romera was born in Madrid, in 1998, specializing in post-production and graphics work. Over the years, it has grown to participate in complex projects linked to video mapping sector all around the world, becoming an industry benchmark.

VOID – Turkey

Void is an Istanbul based independent creative group. Their international A/V performances got numerous awards in Linz, Budapest, Milan, New Mexico, Russia and they are featured 4 times in Ars Elektronika.

Mindscape Studio – Romania

Mindscape Studio is a multimedia and creative technology studio, from Bucharest, specialized in projection mapping, event visual design, interactive environments and installations.

Illuminarium3000 – Russia

A friendly, even familial creative team from Saint Petersburg. Their work featured in numerous projects in the Commonwealth of Independent States and also at international events as Eurovision.

Limelight – Hungary

No mapping clichés but storytelling unique 3D animation content, combined with 15 years of experience, makes the Hungarian team, Limelight one of the leading group of artists on the 3d projection mapping scene.

The creative concept of this edition of the contest will be “DIALOGUES”. In 2016, the biggest video mapping show in the world will be about interactions. We imagine the show as a brilliant conversation between the Palace of Parliament and the tens of thousands of people in front of it. Deep and meaningful images will build up a powerful connection between artists and the public.


Martin Posta, Director of SIGNAL Festival, Prague

Ana Ascencio, Director of Mapping Festival, Geneva

Kaat Heirbrant – Director of Light Festival, Ghent

Ilkka Paloniemi – Director of Lux Festival, Helsinki

Birgit Zander, Director of Festival of Lights, Berlin

Birgit Zander is the founder, organizer and creative head of the Berlin FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS.

Born and grown up in Berlin, she created the internationally operating event-marketing agency Zander & Partner in her hometown. 12 years ago now, her strong passion for art and events enabled the marketing and business graduate to create the Berlin FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS. With more than 2 Million visitors per year over the course of ten evenings, it belongs to the most famous and successful light art, public and media events. Today Birgit Zander also produces light festivals, light art events and art competitions around the world; among others in New York, Luxembourg and many other destinations.

Ana Ascencio started her strong interest in electronic art back in the mid-90s while collaborating within Weetamix, an organization with the aim of promoting electronic music and cultures in Switzerland. After several years spent in Montreal, Canada, where she joined the team of Elektra, international digital arts festival, she has then acted as co-curator within lille3000 for their 2012 event and exhibitions (Fantastic), inseminating art in the public space and collaborating with established cultural institutions of the French city of Lille for major exhibitions (notably at TriPostal). In 2011, Ana Ascencio has been appointed as artistic director of the Mapping festival in Geneva, Switzerland, event dedicated to audiovisual arts and digital cultures through a rich program of exhibitions, workshops, conferences, and performances and clubbing acts. Ana Ascencio has also been participating in several jurys (Haute Ecole d’Art et de Design de Genève, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Fantoche 2015), animating panels (ACT Center -Gwangju/Korea- Mirage festival, Lyon) and collaborating with several national and international organisations, such as the BIAN (Biennale of International Digital Arts) in Montreal, for which she co-curated she Swiss artists focus in June 2016.

Martin Pošta studied film production at Film and TV faculty, Academy of performing arts (FAMU) in Prague. In 2013 he established SIGNAL festival which has quickly become the most visited cultural event in the Czech Republic. Besides that, Martin also initiated Fresh Film Fest, international film festival, as well as designSUPERMARKET, one of the main international design events in Prague. He was a producer of a documentary film called Czech RAPublic and is a member of an artistic association The Macula. The third year of the light festival had Mercedes-Benz, Intel, CEZ Group, or Preciosa lighting among its main sponsors. In the past, Martin worked also at Nova TV where he was an editor-in-chief of the content website.

Kaat Heirbrant has a background in cultural events, city marketing and cultural policies. After her studies in visual arts and communication she started at the European parliament as an advisor for cultural policy. In 2006 she started working for the city of Ghent, both as an event organizer and an advisor to the deputy mayor for culture.

In 2011 she organized the first Light Festival of Ghent with a total of 200.000 visitors. The festival today welcomes over 650.000 visitors. As the artistic director of the festival Kaat makes sure that the festival provides a wide range of light art installations and mappings of local and international artists, but also students and researchers. The festival connects with the citizens of Ghent and a network of cultural and creative entrepreneurs.

Ilkka Paloniemi is artistic director of Lux Helsinki. His working history goes to early eighties when he started to work in theatre and he has masters degree in lighting design. Including cinema, opera, rock, light art and various events his production and art experience goes over three decades. Among artistic director, he is also lighting designer, theatre consultant and lecturer.


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iMapp Bucharest is an event organized by the Municipality of Bucharest through creart – the Center for Creation, Art and Tradition; 360 Revolution as the Event Production Company and Maxin10sity as the Curator.

creart – Centre for Creation, Art and Tradition is a public service of culture subordinated to the Municipality of Bucharest, which has the mission to fulfill the cultural needs of the community through offering various cultural products and services that promote romanian values: national and international festivals, competitions, exhibitions, fairs, seminars, civic education contests, workshops and cultural, artistic, methodological and professional exchanges with similar institutions from Romania and abroad.

The activity of this institution revolves around the promotion and capitalization of cultural tourism mirrored by local-interest, such as customs, popular traditions and Romanian cultural values, and also around stimulating creativity in all cultural genres: literature, music, popular and plastic art, photography and art cinema.

360 Revolution – For the last 9 years, 360 Revolution has reinvented the market in Romania in the field of developing, organizing and implementing events. Its mission is to create spectacular experiences at an emotional, but also at a functional level, in a relevant and useful way for the desired objectives, integrating digital interaction with live complex solutions.

Maxin10sity – is a worldwide top level video mapping and production studio. The company founders are László Czigány and Andras Sass, artists that are specialized in 3D mapping and awarded at the most important festivals in this creative field, together with Tamás Vaspöri, specialist with a large experience in curating and promoting interactive visual arts.